The hungry Facebook marketer’s action-packed guide to consistent profit and scaling with Campaign Budget Optimisation - are you ready for wildly profitable growth, right now?If you’re currently advertising on Facebook at any level, this is for you. This guide was created for the millions of advertisers still to crack the code of CBO - Campaign Budget Optimisation. For those caught fixing leaks but yet to find the vessel of new opportunity. Consider this guide your new boat, complete with lighthouse, crew and rations to navigate whichever path your business is on right now.This guide assumes a basic knowledge of Facebook advertising but has no ceiling - how you use this will be determined by where you are right now and your goals based on your ability to take this knowledge into your business.CBO - or Campaign Budget Optimisation - which I define in more detail further on is Facebook’s new budget management feature that is having a massive impact on the 7 million advertisers on Facebook - some good, but mostly bad.Let’s turn this around into CBO being the best thing to happen to your business since you started advertising on Facebook - deal?